
My Appa – my warrior;

Is hero the man with super strong muscles? The man who is never scared about anything? or is he the man beats up 10 men in 50 seconds? To me the hero is my Appa (Father). The man who has beaten cancer, the man who stood by me unconditionally, the man who put my happiness before… Continue reading My Appa – my warrior;

death, death of a loved one, grief, life after death, life after losing a parent, life with grief, losing a loved one, losing a mother, losing a parent, sadness, Uncategorized

Chaos ; A theory, but my new reality ;

Chaos is actually an understatement for what life becomes when you lose a loved one.  You have no sense of reality, no desire to function and honestly, you lose the will to live. This might just seem like a passing phase for the ones around you but they will never be able to truly grasp… Continue reading Chaos ; A theory, but my new reality ;