

Well everyone goes through phase in life where everything seems like a delusion, the things which seem most certain and the people who are considered more or less as permanent, rather as permanent as they can be! Friends, relationships, family and even your job! All these times we call the “testing period”  hoping that everything will go back to being fine or hoping that you get that “happily ever after” you always hoped for. Sigh.

If only someone tells you that you can only fool yourself hoping for better things until this weird phase gets over. This loop of delusion has had me on this ride for a while now, where you think you can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, and when you think you actually are there you realize that  it is nothing but another trap! During times like this you go around hoping to find solutions or answers for everything that seems like a tedious task!

I’m just honestly grateful to God for always being there for me every time I think I’m lost, my amazing friends, who have stood by me through everything, yes we might not talk everyday but when we do it makes me feel safe and that everything will actually be okay! My family who put up with my erratic emotions and my temper, thanks Mom and Dad.

Here is to my friends who are always there with me, holding my hand through the best and the worst situation, you guys know you you’ll are, and here’s a BIG HUG and all my love!

Love you guys, always and forever!

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